All of you must have come across statements and questions online or technical exams or placement exams asking for the MOST OPTIMIZED Code for sorting. Below I have shared a code to do that.
The Code is easy to understand and implement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void createArray(int *array_players, int nlenght);
void createTournament(int *arry_players, int nlenght);
int findNextMax(int arry_players[], int nlenght);
int main()
int i, arry_players[100], nlenght, max_value, nextMax_value, sorted_array[100];
printf("Enter Number of Elements in Array ");
createArray(arry_players, nlenght);
All of you must have come across statements and questions online or technical exams or placement exams asking for the MOST OPTIMIZED Code for sorting. Below I have shared a code to do that.
The Code is easy to understand and implement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void createArray(int *array_players, int nlenght);
void createTournament(int *arry_players, int nlenght);
int findNextMax(int arry_players[], int nlenght);
int main()
int i, arry_players[100], nlenght, max_value, nextMax_value, sorted_array[100];
printf("Enter Number of Elements in Array ");
createArray(arry_players, nlenght);