Saturday, November 2, 2013

Most Optimized Code for Sorting


All of you must have come across statements and questions online or technical exams or placement exams asking for the MOST OPTIMIZED Code for sorting. Below I have shared a code to do that.
The Code is easy to understand and implement.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void createArray(int *array_players, int nlenght);
void createTournament(int *arry_players, int nlenght);
int findNextMax(int arry_players[], int nlenght);

int main()
    int i, arry_players[100], nlenght, max_value, nextMax_value, sorted_array[100];

    printf("Enter Number of Elements in Array ");

    createArray(arry_players, nlenght);

    for(i = 1; i <= nlenght - 1; i++)
        createTournament(arry_players, nlenght);
        max_value = arry_players[1];
        nextMax_value = findNextMax(arry_players, nlenght);

        sorted_array[i-1] = max_value;
        sorted_array[i] = nextMax_value;

    for(i = 0; i < nlenght ; i++)
        printf(" %d ",sorted_array[i]);
 * \ This method is used to construct an array in which we are passing the address of source array
 and using the address we are changing the value of array at that address
 * \ *array_players = pointer to array arry_players
 * \ nlenght = lenght of Array entered
 * \ return null/void

void createArray(int *arry_players, int nlenght)
    int i, temp;
    for(i = 1; i<= nlenght; i++)
        scanf("%d", &temp);
        arry_players[2*nlenght - i] = temp;
 * \ This method is used to construct a tournament in which we are passing the address of source array
 and using the array we are creating a competition and comparing every two consequitive players
 and finding the winner or the maximum value
 * \ *array_players = pointer to array arry_players
 * \ nlenght = lenght of Array entered
 * \ return null/void

void createTournament(int *arry_players, int nlenght)
    int i;
    for(i = 2*nlenght - 1; i >= 3; i = i - 2)
        if(arry_players[i] > arry_players[i-1]) arry_players[i/2] = arry_players[i];
        else arry_players[i/2] = arry_players[i - 1];

    //for(i = 1; i <= 2* nlenght - 1; i++)
        //printf("%d ",arry_players[i]);

 * \ This method is used to traverse backwards in the tournament along the path of the max value and convert max value into 0
    and find the next max value
 * \ *array_players = pointer to array arry_players
 * \ nlenght = lenght of Array entered
 * \ return null/void

int findNextMax(int *arry_players, int nlenght)
    int i = 2, nextmax = 0, max_value;
    max_value = arry_players[1];
    arry_players[1] = 0;

    while(i < (2*nlenght - 1))
        if(arry_players[i] == max_value )
            arry_players[i] = 0;

            if(nextmax < arry_players[i + 1])
                nextmax = arry_players[i + 1];

            i = i;
        else if(arry_players[i + 1] == max_value)
            arry_players[i + 1] = 0;

            if(nextmax < arry_players[i])
                nextmax = arry_players[i];

            i = i + 1;
         i = i * 2;

    return nextmax;

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